Blueron is a sterile patented blue color for coloring of the tissue during the surgeries of the front eye segment.• One use only
• Biocompatible
• For cataract surgeries
Doesn’t contain pyrogenic substances and doesn’t cause inflammation. With Blueron there aren’t any inflammatory reactions or edema after the surgery.
Use: When the front line of the lens is colored it becomes more visible through capsulohexis (A lens removal during cataract surgery) and minimizes the risk of being ripped. An air balloon is injected in the front eye chamber to prevent the dissuading of Blueron with the chamber liquid. Then carefully is injected with blunt cannula in the front lens capsule. The coloring happens at the moment when it comes in a contact with the rest of the color. Later, the cataract surgery proceeds the usual way.
Brilliant Peel is a biocompatible tissue dye used in ophthalmic surgery. Sterile, apyrogenic and non-toxic solution, that doesn’t cause inflammatory reactions.Brilliant Peel is made for a specific coloring of the inner limiting membrane(ILM). The specific coloring of ILM provides clear differentiation from the retinal tissue located bellow the color. In this way the surgical removal becomes easier and safer than before.
Use: After the victrectomy, the vitreal chamber is filled with solution for an ophthalmological irrigation. Brilliant Peel from the glass bottle transfers in a syringe attached on a tight and blunt cannula. The sterile syringe is directly connected to the cannula. Solution from the tissue dye is injected in the eye retina that’s filled with irrigation solution. The reaction time is a few seconds. Than the vitreal chamber is being washed and the colored ILM is surgically removed.
In rare cases the weak brilliant blue G solubility in water environment can result with a minimal crystallization of the eye color. This doesn’t limit the use of BrilliantPeel, but the operator must be sure that all the product tracks that stay in the eye are being washed away.